How to Land a Stripping Audition

Aug 12, 2019

Before you can get out there and start making a name for yourself, you usually have to excel at your audition. And to do that, you have to get an audition first! 

While the process can be intimidating for a newcomer, we have the inside scoop on how the process works. 

First, understand that every club is different. Different clubs have different rules. If possible, talk to the girls who work at that club. If that’s not an option, turn to the internet. A lot of strippers take to forums to discuss their audition experiences. 

Know before you go. Before you audition, you’ll want to research the club. Yelp, Glassdoor, and more can provide feedback on your target club. While there’s bound to be a crappy review or two from girls who couldn’t make it, look for patterns. If there are dozens of terrible reviews all saying the same thing, it’s probably the truth. 

From there, the audition process can take a couple different routes

You can try contacting the club’s management via phone or email to set up an audition time for you. They may have clusters of auditions all at the same time to streamline the process. 

Be flexible and go with the times they suggest! Putting up a fight at any point can make you stand out as a possible inconvenience — something you definitely don’t want. 

The club might also hold open auditions. In that case, you’ll be directly competing with other dancers for a spot in the club. Open auditions can be more nerve wracking, but no matter what kind of audition you’re going through, you’ll be preparing in front of people. 

Here’s what happens next: if, after your audition, it seems like the club management was interested in hiring you, wait up to a week to hear back from them. Then, reach out again.

Alternatively, some clubs might let you dance the same night you try out. 

In conclusion, landing an audition can be a complicated process for a newcomer. It’s important to educate yourself about the club you want to dance for, to go along with the flow of the audition process, and to nail your audition.

You can only succeed if you try — so get out there and get dancing! 

Still intimidated? We don’t blame you. Learn how to go from newbie to top earner with Lexi Ladies Academy! And stay tuned for our tips on rocking your audition!

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